Study Title

Minority-Inclusive Imaging Biomarker-Based End of Therapy Trial for 177Lu-PSMA-617, a Randomized De-Escalation Theranostic Trial for Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer

Study Details


This phase II trial studies how to improve the usage of Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan (177Lu-prostate-specific membrane antigen [PSMA]-617) for treating patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer that has spread from where it first started (primary site), to other places in the body (metastatic) utilizing a treatment pause after 5 cycles of therapy versus standard continuous treatment for 6 cycles. Lutetium is a radioligand therapy (RLT). RLT uses a small molecule (in this case 177Lu-PSMA-617) that carries a radioactive component to destroy tumor cells. When lutetium is injected into the body, it attaches to the PSMA receptor found on tumor cells. After lutetium attaches to the PSMA receptor, its radiation component destroys the tumor cell. Giving 177Lu-PSMA-617 for 5 cycles versus 6 cycles may better treat patients with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer.


Mayo Clinic


Clinical Trials Referral Office


Drug Details

    Radioisotope: Lu-177
    Theranostic Role: Therapeutic Agent & SPECT Imaging
    T1/2 (Half-Life): 6.7 Days
    Decay Mode: BETA, GAMMA
    Energy: Eβeta max 497 keV, Gamma 113-208 keV
    Range: In Tissue: 0.25-2mm
    Decay Daughters: Hf177
    Status: FDA Approvals: PLUVICTO® (2022), LUTATHERA® (2017)
  • LUTETIUM-177
  • PSMA
Ligand: Small Molecules
Chelator: DOTA
Linker: Glutamate-urea-Lysine

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