Study Status

On Hold
Not Enrolling

Last Updated: Tue Mar 04 2025

Pharmaceutical Trials (Site Sponsors)

Investigator Trials

Pharmaceutical & Investigator Trials (Non-Site Sponsors)



18F-Fibroblast Activation Protein Inhibitor ([18F]FAPI-74) PET Imaging for Cancer Detection

Fibroblast-activation protein (FAP) is an enzyme that appears in high numbers in certain cancer cells. [18F]FAPI-74 is a new tracer-a substance that is injected into a person s body before an imaging scan. Researchers believe that [18F]FAPI-74 may be able to highlight FAP enzymes more effectively than approved tracers. If so, the new tracer would make it easier to find FAP-positive tumors in the body.



The Safety, Tolerability and Biodistribution of a Single Intravenous Administration of Two Zirconium-89 Labelled Vartumabs (F8scFV or C9scFv) in Patients with Solid Tumors - a Phase 0, Open Label, PET/CT Molecular Imaging Basket Trial

VARTUTRACE is a first-in-human PET/CT molecular imaging study in patients with solid tumors. This study will investigate the biodistribution and pharmacology of two antibody fragments binding oncofetal Chondroitin Sulfate (CS). Oncofetal CS are tumor-specific carbohydrate motifs present in proteoglycans and identified by VAR2 Pharmaceuticals as expressed during fetal development. Oncofetal CS reappears in the vast majority of cancers while remaining largely absent from normal tissues. VAR2 Pharmaceuticals recently developed antibodies specific for oncofetal CS. VARTUTRACE uses two of these as radiolabeled antibody fragments to study biodistribution, tumor accumulation, pharmacodynamics and clearance pathways in a diverse patient population.


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