Study Title
Study Details
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic performance of [18F]CTT1057 as a PET imaging agent for detection and localization of PSMA positive tumors using histopathology as Standard of Truth (SoT). Tissue specimens from both the primary tumor and pelvic lymph nodes dissected during surgery from patients with newly-diagnosed high-risk prostate cancer (PCa) will be used for the histopathology assessments. Approximately 195 participants will be enrolled to ensure that at least 156 participants are evaluable (i.e. have both an evaluable PET/CT scan and histopathology assessment and have not received any prohibited systemic antineoplastic therapy before the completion of PET/CT and surgery), which will be required for the calculation of the co-primary endpoints.
NovartisGovernment Study Link:
NCT04838626 - Click here to see study
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