Study Title

To determine the Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) of CycloSam®, Samarium-153-DOTMP (Sm-153-DOTMP), a radiopharmaceutical that delivers radiation to the bone when injected, given as a tandemly administered pair of doses to subjects with one or more solid tumor(s) in the bone or metastatic solid tumors to the bone that are visible on bone scan.

Study Details


A Dose Finding Study of CycloSam® (153-Sm-DOTMP) to Treat Solid Tumor(s) in the Bone or Metastatic to the Bone (Metastatic Prostate, Breast, and Lung, Osteosarcoma, Ewing's Sarcoma, and Other Solid Tumor(s) to the Bone All Eligible)


QSAM Therapeutics, Inc.


Clinical Trials Team


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