Study Title
Phase 1 Trial of 111Indium/225Actinium-DOTA-Daratumumab in Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma
Study Details
This phase I trial tests the safety, side effects, and best dose of actinium Ac 225-DOTA-daratumumab (225Ac-DOTA-daratumumab) in combination with daratumumab and indium In 111-DOTA-daratumumab (111In-DOTA-daratumumab) in treating patients with multiple myeloma that does not respond to treatment (refractory) or that has come back (recurrent). Daratumumab is a monoclonal antibody that may interfere with the ability of cancer cells to grow and spread. 111In-DOTA-daratumumab and 225Ac-DOTA-daratumumab are forms of radioimmunotherapy in which a monoclonal antibody, daratumumab, has been linked to a radiotracer to allow for targeted delivery of the treatment to cancer cells. Giving all three together may kill more cancer cells.
City of Hope Medical Center
Scott R. Goldsmith (Principal Investigator)
Government Study Link:
NCT05363111 - Click here to see study