Study Title

A Phase 1 Prospective, Open-label, First-in-human Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Biodistribution of [177Lu]Lu-AKIR001 and Its Anti-tumour Effect in Adult Patients With CD44v6 Expressing Solid Tumours

Study Details


The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of increasing doses of [177Lu]Lu-AKIR001, both in relation to tolerable activity of lutetium-177 and the absorbed protein mass dose of AKIR-001 in patients with irresectable or metastatic CD44v6-expressing solid malignancies for whom no reasonable systemic treatment options are be available.

Drug Details

    Radioisotope: Lu-177
    Theranostic Role: Therapeutic Agent & SPECT Imaging
    T1/2 (Half-Life): 6.7 Days
    Decay Mode: BETA, GAMMA
    Energy: Eβeta max 497 keV, Gamma 113-208 keV
    Range: In Tissue: 0.25-2mm
    Decay Daughters: Hf177
    Status: FDA Approvals: PLUVICTO® (2022), LUTATHERA® (2017)
  • LUTETIUM-177
  • CD44v6

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