Study Details
This is a first-in-human Phase 1/2, non-randomized, multi-centre, open-label clinical trial designed to investigate safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK) and preliminary anti-tumour activity of [111In]-FPI-1547 Injection (radioimmuno-imaging agent) and [225Ac]-FPI-1434 Injection (radioimmuno-therapeutic) and to establish the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and/or the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) of repeat doses of [225Ac]-FPI-1434 Injection in patients with solid tumours that demonstrate uptake of [111In]-FPI-1547. The study consists of a Phase 1 portion that includes dose ascending cohorts (single and multi-dosing administration with/without cold antibody), a Cold Antibody Sub-Study, and a Phase 2 portion that includes tumour-specific cohorts.
Fusion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Contacts:
Julia Kazakin (Medical Monitor)
(888) 506-4215
Government Study Link:
NCT03746431 - Click here to see study
Patient Education
Patient Education Not Yet Provided
United States