Study Title

A Phase I Study Evaluating the Safety and Imaging Characteristics of 18F-LY3546117 Injection in Subjects Who Are Undergoing Treatment With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

Study Details


Immuno-Oncology (IO) therapies have revolutionized cancer therapy and are becoming the standard of care for many cancers. Monitoring how well IO therapies work against cancer is difficult due to the complexity of the immune system and the fact that an immune response may initially increase, rather than decrease, the size of a tumor. An early response marker would be beneficial to determine which patients should remain on a given treatment or combination of treatments, and which patients should seek other treatment options. 18F-LY3546117 is a radiolabeled tracer that binds to a specific protein (Granzyme B) that is found in the human immune system and is thought to trigger programmed cell death. It is thought that imaging Granzyme B activity in tumors and elsewhere in the body using a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan will allow doctors to monitor the progress of IO therapy.


Avid Radiopharmaceuticals


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