Study Title

68Ga-grazytracer PET/CT Assists in Diagnosing Pseudoprogression Following Immunotherapy in Lung Cancer: a Prospective, Observational Study.

Study Details


Currently, there are limited methods available in clinical practice to distinguish pseudoprogression after immunotherapy. Most patients rely on follow-up observations to monitor the disease, which does not meet clinical needs. 68Ga-grazytracer is a novel imaging agent targeting granzyme B. By detecting the concentration of granzyme B, it reflects the localization of cytotoxic T cells in the tumor region and their potential ability to kill tumor cells. This study aims to leverage the simplicity, non-invasiveness, visualization, and semi-quantitative advantages of 68Ga-grazytracer PET imaging to evaluate its effectiveness and feasibility in diagnosing pseudoprogression.


Ruijin Hospital

Drug Details

    Radioisotope: Ga-68
    Theranostic Role: PET Imaging
    T1/2 (Half-Life): 68 minutes
    Decay Mode: POSITRON β+ (88.9%), GAMMA, ELECTRON CAPTURE (8.7%)
    Energy: Beta: max 1.9 MeV Gamma 1.1 MeV, 511 keV
    Range: N/A
    Decay Daughters: Zn68 (Stable)
    Status: FDA Approvals: NETSPOT® (2016), LOCAMETZ® (2022), ILLUCIX® (2021)
  • GALLIUM-68
  • Granzyme B

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