Study Title

Feasibility Study of Hypoxia and Re-oxygenation Imaging in Pancreatic Cancer Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) With [18F] Fluoroazomycin-arabinoside (FAZA PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Study Details


This is a single arm, single centre, investigator initiated study to investigate the use of FAZA-PET in combination with MRI. FAZA is an investigational radiotracer used in PET scans. FAZA PET-MRI will be used to measure hypoxia in up to 20 patients with unresectable, non-metastatic, locally advanced un-resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma (LAPAC). After each FAZA PET-MRI scan, patients will be followed up via telephone, 48 hours after the imaging session to assure that the procedure was tolerated without side effects. Patients will undergo a FAZA PET-MRI scans before and after their standard of care radiation treatment.


University Health Network, Toronto


Ali Hosni, MD



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