Study Title
Imaging CCR2 Receptors With 64Cu-DOTA-ECL1i in Head and Neck Cancer
Study Details
CCR2 is a significant prognostic biomarker in head and neck cancer. Currently there is no clinical biomarker to study CCR2, its prognostic significance or to select patients for CCR2-targeted therapy and to monitor response to such therapy. The investigators have developed a CCR2 specific PET radiotracer based on the peptide, ECL1i (d(LGTFLKC)) and radiolabeled with 64Cu (64Cu-DOTA-ECL1i). The investigators have found that 64Cu-DOTA-ELC1i specific binding has been demonstrated in human head and neck cancer tissue.
Washington University School of Medicine
Government Study Link:
NCT04217057 - Click here to see study