Study Title


A Phase I/IIa First-in-Human Study of [212Pb]VMT-α-NET Targeted Alpha-Particle Therapy for Advanced SSTR2 Positive Neuroendocrine Tumors

Study Details


This study is Phase I/IIa First-in-Human Study of [212Pb]VMT-α-NET Targeted Alpha-Particle Therapy for Advanced SSTR2 Positive Neuroendocrine Tumors


Markus Puhlmann, MD, MBA

(319) 665-2150

Patient Education

Patient Education Not Yet Provided


Publications Not Yet Provided

Mayo Clinic - Jacksonville

Jacksonville, Florida, United States

This badge indicates the Principal Investigator has a proven record of excellence in the advancement of Theranostics.

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, Maryland 21287, United States

This badge indicates the Principal Investigator has a proven record of excellence in the advancement of Theranostics.

Washington University School of Medicine

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

This badge indicates the Principal Investigator has a proven record of excellence in the advancement of Theranostics.

University of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois 60637, United States

This badge indicates the Principal Investigator has a proven record of excellence in the advancement of Theranostics.

Nebraska Cancer Specialists

Omaha, Nebraska, United States

This badge indicates the Principal Investigator has a proven record of excellence in the advancement of Theranostics.


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