Study Title

Pilot Study Evaluating the Uptake of [18F] F-GLN by PET/CT in Breast Cancer

Study Details


Patients with known or suspected primary or metastatic breast cancer with one lesion that is 1.5 cm in diameter or greater may be eligible for this study. Patients may participate in this study if they are at least 18 years of age. Up to 40 evaluable subjects will participate in a single imaging cohort. Patients will be stratified for analysis by breast cancer subtype with prioritization to recruit at least 10 estrogen-receptor-expressing (ER+) and 10 triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC). This is an observational study; [18F]F-GLN PET/CT will not be used to direct treatment decisions. While patients and referring physicians will not be blinded to the [18F]F-GLN PET/CT results, treatment decisions are made by the treating physicians based upon clinical criteria.


University of Pennsylvania


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