A Physician Investigator in good standing with licensing boards and regulatory agencies
Minimum of 10 years serving as an investigator on clinical trials
Minimum of 6 phase 1 Theranostic Trials you served as PI/Co-PI
Minimum of 6 phase 2 or 3 Theranostic Trials you served as PI/Co-PI
Minimum of 6 Therapeutic Theranostic Trials you served as PI/Co-PI
Minimum of 8 Imaging Theranostic Trials you served as PI/Co-PI
Minimum of 50 patients you have enrolled on Theranostic Clinical Trials (Imaging and Therapeutic)
Minimum of 6 isotopes you have investigated on Theranostic Clinical Trials (Imaging and Therapeutic)
Minimum of 4 authorships on manuscript for Theranostic Trials
Minimum of 8 authorships on abstracts/posters/oral presentations on Theranostic Trials
Completed application
Upload or send current CV
Scan and email to: info@theranostictrials.org
Or mail to: 17607 Gold Plaza Omaha, NE 68130